MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is one of the most popular combat sports in the USA, and it is becoming even more popular than boxing. MMA is not a unique combat sport, but it is a combination of many different combat sports and techniques. A good MMA fighter uses a lot of different combat sports to come up with his own technique, and this gives MMA fighters the freedom to create their own style of fighting, a style that suits them best. Some of the styles used in the training of MMA fighters are: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, karate, kung fu, wrestling, Russian sambo, tae kwon do, jeet kune do, and many others.
[fcrp_feat_sc sc_id=”1389″]How MMA Betting Works Online
When it comes to betting on any combat sport, there are no point spread bets because there are no points involved in the actual game. So, you will have the option of bet lines. Below are the three most common types of lines:
Fractional odds – these odds, as it is obvious, are expressed in fractions. For example, if the odds are 5/1 for the underdog to win, you will profit $500 if you wager $100, and the total amount you will be paid after the match will be $600. However, if the odds are 1/5 for the favorite to win, you will profit $20 if your stake is $100, and the total amount won will be $120.
Decimal odds – in this type of odds, the amount of the odds is the amount that will be paid out to you, providing that you win the bet. For example, the equivalent of the fractional odds of 5/1 is 6 in decimal odds, and the equivalent of 1/5 is 1.20 in decimal odds.
Moneyline odds – these are the odds that are the most frequent in the USA. They are expressed by adding a minus or a plus before the odds. For example, the odds for the favorite to win are always marked by a minus and the odds for the underdog are marked with a plus. This means that if the odds on the favorite are -500 that you will have to wager $500 to make a profit of $100. And if the odds for the underdog to win are +500, it means that you will make a profit of $500 by wagering $100.
There is always a possibility of even money, which means that the odds will be expressed as 1/1 in fractional odds, 2 in decimal odds, and -100 or +100 in moneyline odds. Even money stands for the bet that brings you the same profit as your stake is.
MMA Online Betting Tips
Although betting may sound like an easy way to make good money, it is not always as simple as it sounds. In order to successfully bet on MMA, you will have to do some serious research. You will have to follow the fights, you will have to get to know the fighters, you will have to study the odds carefully and then place a smart bet. Without doing any research and without getting to know the sport and all its rules, you will have a really hard time making any money by betting.