Evaluating Poker Playing Styles

Over time every player will develop their own unique playing style when it comes to poker, however each style can be generalised into four different categories; TAG, LAG, Loose Passive and Tight Passive. Throughout this article we will take a look at what each style means, which style to adopt and look at both aggressive and passive styles.

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Types of Styles

TAG (Tight Aggressive)

Tight aggressive is probably the most common poker style and is adopted by many players across the board. The concept comes by playing a smaller number of hands than someone who adopts a looser style, but playing those hands in a much more aggressive style. You can expect to see a TAG playing anywhere between 15-25% of hands with an aggression rating of around 5 upwards. These stats generally fall in to what we call the ‘sweet spot’ of poker and is a great base to establish your game on in the attempt to becoming a better and more importantly, winning player.

LAG (Loose Aggressive)

A loose aggressive style can be used when you have a much better understanding of both poker itself and your own game. Often you will see top pro’s playing in this fashion because they have such a wide knowledge of how their opponents play, they can afford to get into more situations by playing more hands in an attempt to exploit them.

A LAG would normally be playing anything from 30% upwards to around 50% of hands with an aggression rating that matches accordingly.

It’s ill advised that a player starting out in the game to play with a LAG style as very few are able to play so many hands without making mistakes along the way.

TP (Tight Passive)

Similarly to a TAG, a TP player plays a lower percentage of hands; however the difference comes in their aggression rating which will be much lower. Being a passive player will result in you getting pushed around a lot in pots and often very easy to exploit.

LP (Loose Passive)

Loose passive is probably one of the worst styles any player can adopt and is often associated with that of a fish. You’ll play a lot of hands and with no aggression meaning you’re going to be burning money away with junk hands and making no attempt to win the pot.

Which style to adopt?

Well as a base, the best style and most profitable will be that of a TAG, meaning you play a tidy amount of hands whilst showing aggression in those hands giving you different avenues to take down the pot.

Once your game progresses and you have a really good understanding of both your game and your opponents, you can start to incorporate a little more of LAG style. LAG often creates problems for a lot of regulars in the game as the change of pace and sheer amount of aggression they offer up can make it hard for them to adjust properly.

It’s important to remember that a LAG style is likely only going to be profitable if you feel you have a BIG edge in the game.

There are little to no circumstances where a passive style will be profitable, playing either tight or loose.

Aggressive or Passive

Well, in a word, aggressive, every time. As mentioned, there are little to no circumstances where you want your overall style of play to be passive. However, there may be situations where a passive line can be taken in a hand, but overall, aggressive will be much more profitable.

Key Points

  • Adopt a solid TAG style when starting out
  • Many winning poker players play a TAG style
  • Only adopt a LAG style when you have a solid understanding of your game and your opponents game
  • LAG applied well can be very profitable
  • Do not, under any circumstances, adopt a passive style of play